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The Amity Project is helping cultivate dialogue and understanding around medical autonomy.

What Happened Last Year

Stories of students harmed by mandates in post-secondary institutions.
Let’s talk about #WhatHappenedLastYear.

Share your stories

How have post-secondary medical mandates affected you?
We want to hear your story.

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The Amity Project needs your help to grow.
Together we can make a difference.


noun \’a-mə-tē\

: friendship and goodwill especially as characterized by mutual acceptance and toleration of potentially antagonistic standpoints or aims

From Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

Founded and led by post-secondary students in Ontario, Canada, the Amity Project’s mission is to unite society and end division over personal medical choices. We seek to engage other post-secondary students and the community at large in constructive dialogue on the importance of informed consent and bodily autonomy.


Feeling lost? Let us point you to a variety of sources to help you navigate medical mandates.

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Amity Project needs your help to grow! Join us and let’s make a difference together.

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